Saturday 10 September 2011

Great links

Blue puppy supplement, as it is commonly famed, is manufactured by the blue buffalo dog nutrient organisation, settled at Wilton,River .They have serviced a top brand calibre all the years by the manufacturing of grade   nourishment that is equally tasty for your honey pet and cheap for your pocket. Your puppy always love the blue puppy nourishment. Punctuation.

Having a canine   is hale and lives longstanding is of utmost grandness in today's world. A puppy can be your good soul. The times when dogs were upbrought for protecting purposes have spent eternal ago. Today most owners handle their puppies suchlike their own sons or daughters. We even see group adoring them more than their offsprings, honestly. So providing them the top of all canine supplements is a big headache for the owners. Having formulated as a bloodline run business, Blue buffalo   nutrient delivers the unexcelled puppy food that meets all the nutritional requirements of your sweetie.

A calibre dog supplement should contain adequate vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and fibres   will assist your canine cultivate into a strong, reverberant and endearing one. The blue canine food takes mending of the maturation requirements, the defence system, physiological requirements and overall metastasis of your  . It is one of the healthiest   of canine supply   is usable today in the market.  , it is the only required diet, granted you food at recommended typical intervals.

Made of 100% natural materials, your canine will never have any stomach disorders or problems winning this food. Most distinguishable   of  blue dog food contains antithetic ingredients suchlike chicken, fish, lamb, sweet potato, salmon and turkey. Never mind of uptake your puppy with bleached preservatives, emblem, fillers, by products or flavors. This is warranted with the Blue buffalo. All the ingredients are healthy and saintly for your puppy.The good protein responsibility of your healthy younker is   thanks to the utmost turn of research which has spent in manufacturing this puppy nourishment. This material food also takes maintenance of the requisite surplus stuffs like omega-3 oleaginous acids, zinc, calcium, etc. The process is specified which it hardly ever produces any allergy for your canine.

When it comes to supplying your younker, umpteen owners are obsessed as to how untold they should feed, how steady they should supply, will this nutrient venture diarrhoea, is this worth the   I  , is this a good cloth feed, is there any harms, and so on. Supply your puppy with the blue   nourishment can say all such questions. You don't status to be afraid nearly the attribute and amount of ingredients anymore. And yes, it is worth every penny you  . Regarding the ratio at which you should cater your canine, it is greatly leechlike on the dog variety you  .Larger your puppy, the much you have to supply it.

According to a recent  , supplementing your puppy with the blue buffalo dog nourishment   in a well-balanced metabolous scheme and physiological growth. This is experimentally tested and in comparability with more else varieties of canine nourishment. So it is verified that this is a greater type of puppy food than the competitors.

Latest   in natural sciences inform that the food provided staleness be recovered harmonious for the ample upbeat and lasting spirit of your pet.Intake any useable nourishment and in whopping quantities lone won't do. The food must be intimately balanced in status the organic and artificial contents like vitamins, minerals, ions, and so on. Blue canine nourishment is the perfect canine nourishment existing is completely a supplement.

  the expenses, the blue buffalo dog food is one of the most cheap puppy food found in the marketplace today. Also, concerted with the different promotional   and coupons accessible, you won't yet pair you are spending on your puppy.

In tender, blue dog nourishment is the soul variety of dog supplement that exists. It is of the maximal character, contains all the required ingredients and provides a well-balanced food for your puppy. Possess a glad alimentation minute.

Friday 9 September 2011

Adopting a dog


Puppies have a lot of growing up to do in a short space of time: in just 12 months (up to 24 months for larger breeds) they'll becomefully fledged adults. Their bodies have to develop incredibly quickly, so it's hardly surprising that they need the highest quality nutrition to get there - and plenty of it too. A healthy, energetic puppy can burn through up to twice as many calories as an adult dog!

Puppy nutrition

Puppies are full of curiosity about the world around them, but they need lots of energy to explore it. Manufactured puppy foods are designed to provide a completely balanced combination of the nutrients your puppy requires. Puppy foods contain concentrated nourishment for growth without adding bulk, to avoid overwhelming apuppy’s immature digestive system. High-quality puppy formulas contain abundant, highly digestible protein to support healthy tissue and organ development, and higher levels of essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc and iron, as well as vitamin D to help build strong bones and teeth. So unless advised to do so by your vet, there is no need to give your puppy any supplements if you are feeding them a complete manufactured puppy food.

Puppies also have smaller mouths than adult dogs, so the smaller, bite-sized kibbles in most manufactured puppy foods make it easier to chew them and release all the essential nutrients.


Needless to say, a mother's milk makes the ideal first food as it's naturally rich in all the required nutrients and components needed for a healthy immune system. Although puppies get ready for weaning between six and eight weeks old, most will start to take an interest in solid foods at three to four weeks - usually by romping through their mother's bowl and licking the food from their paws!

This is the best time to start offering a puppy food formula. If you choose a dry food, it should be moistened and mashed into a gruel. As your puppy gets older you can add less water and make the food progressively drier. Don't be tempted to wean too early. Switching exclusively to solids too soon can put stress on a puppy’s immature digestion.

How much to feed

Puppies have small stomachs but large appetites, so feed them small amounts on a frequent basis depending on their age, size and veterinary advice. Start with a tablespoon about five times a day whilst the puppy is still feeding from mum.

From starting to offer food to weaning (usually two months) - 4-6 meals a day.

From two to three months - 4 meals a day.

From four to six months - 2-3 meals a day.

Over six months - 2 meals a day (depending on breed).

Don't be tempted to over feed your puppy to speed up the growth process. The volume could be too much for their developing digestion, leading to digestive upsets and impairing growth, or could accelerate growth unhealthily resulting in unwanted weight gain and painful skeletal problems in the future. If you are not sure how much or how often to feed your breed of puppy, consult yourveterinary practice.

How much to feed depends on the age, size and breed of your puppy, as well as body condition or any medical conditions. Always read the feeding instructions printed on product packaging carefully. Ranges are given, combining breed sizes (typical weights as adults) with age bands. Your puppy is likely to fall within one of these bands. Remember, individual puppies, even of the same age and breed, differ in their energy requirements depending on how much they have developed, how well they digest their food, and their own particular metabolism and activity rates. Feeding guides are only there as a starting point. To be more precise and help your puppy achieve optimal growth, you should regularly evaluate your puppy’s Body Condition and modify the amount you feed accordingly.

Try not to feed your puppy immediately before or after exercise and allow an hour to pass between feeding and activity to avoid the risk of a condition called gastric dilatation and volvulus. Large and giant breeds are particularly susceptible to this bloating of the stomach and twisting of the gut, which is a medical emergency.

Puppies naturally enjoy crunching their food, which also helps keep their teeth strong and healthy. Consistency in diet is also important, so unless there is an obvious problem, or you are advised by your vet to change, it's best to stick with the same brand of food.

Where to feed your puppy

Your puppy should be fed in a quiet place away from interruptions and from the hustle and bustle of the house. Choose a surface that can be easily cleaned, such as a tiled floor or a feeding mat. Always serve the food in a clean bowl; ceramic or metal bowls are preferable. Prevent children from trying to play with the puppy or interrupt his or her meal. If you have other dogs in the household, feed them separately to avoid bullying and fighting.

How to feed

Try to serve wet food at room temperature, as it smells more attractive and is easier to digest. This could take some time if the food is kept in the fridge; or you can microwave wet food for a short time until it’s warm (never hot) to the touch. Avoid leaving out wet food out as it can quickly go stale. Dry food can be left out during the day and won’t spoil. Most dogs like to crunch on their dry food, but if yours prefers it moistened, or there is a medical reason to avoid hard food, leave the food in a bowl of water for up to 30 minutes before serving. If you do moisten dry food, consider feeding a regular dental treat to help remove the plaque that some dry foods work to combat as your puppy gets older, but remember that regular brushing of your dog’s teeth is the best way to prevent dental disease.

As your pup grows bigger…

As puppies grow bigger, so does their appetite. They need more energy to support fast bursts of growth and build up muscle mass. Depending on breed, a six-month-old puppy can require up to twice the daily calorie intake of a two-month-old. Always try to follow manufacturer instructions, monitor your puppy’s body condition and if you are not sure how much to feed consult your vet.

What not to feed

Whilst feeding table scraps and tidbits is generally not advisable, it's often difficult to say no! If you do decide to give in from time to time, be aware there are some foods you need to stay clear of. Never feed raw meat, and reduce the risk of food poisoning by thoroughly cooking any fresh meat (without adding salt) to kill bacteria. Watch out for small pieces of bone, especially brittle chicken and fish bones, as they can damage teeth and cause obstructions in the gut. The same applies to larger bones: although traditionally fed to dogs, they are also associated with obstructions to the gut and feeding them is not recommended. Meat and table scraps should never account for more than 10% of your dog's total diet, otherwise you risk upsetting the value of a balanced pet food. Finally, never feed your dog human chocolate, onions or grapes/raisins as these can be highly toxic to dogs.

Making the change to adult foodEven though many breeds look fully grown at between six and eight months (depending on the breed: later for large/giant breeds), they're still puppies on the inside. Their bones are becoming stronger and their bodies are continuing to fill out. Don’t be tempted to switch to an adult food too early. For most dogs it’s not until your puppy is 12-18 months old (depending on breed: older for large/giant dogs) that they will no longer need theextra calories and nutrients in puppy food, and be ready to make the transition to an adult formula. If you’re not sure what age to switch for your puppy, consult your vet or click here for more popular dog breeds. The transition should be achieved gradually, over seven to ten days as describedabove to avoid stomach upsets.Changing diet

Your puppy's digestion can easily be upset if you change their food abruptly, whether between wet and dry, or between brands. For new arrivals, it’s usually better to stick with the food recommended by the breeder or rescue center at first, unless there is an obvious problem. It is advisable to arrange for a vet to check your new arrival over as soon as possible, and to discuss diet at this consultation. Depending on veterinary advice if, a few weeks later, you do want to change your puppy’s diet, you should do so gradually. A slow transition process (over 7-10 days) will help your puppy digest the nutrients in the new food, by naturally adjusting the enzymes and beneficial bacteria in his or her digestive tract.

Put a little of the new food in with the current food and mix it all together, or offer both foods separately.

Over the course of 7-10 days, gradually increase the amount of new food added, whilst reducing the amount of the previous food until a complete change is achieved.

If you switch from a wet to a dry food, your puppy will chew it more actively, may take longer to eat and will certainly require more water. If switching from dry to wet, expect them to drink a little less and, if they are used to crunching dry food, consider mixing in a few biscuits for texture. It’s worth remembering that a portion of dry food will look smaller than a portion of wet food and, as dry foods are in general more energy-dense than wet foods, your dog may need to eat proportionally more wet food to gain the same calories.


Adopting a dog

When considering the birth rates among animals, it's not hard to understand why animal shelters are always filled with animals waiting to be adopted. Shockingly, it has been calculated that over a seven year period, one female cat and her offspring will produce approximately 420,000 kittens. Likewise, one female dog and her offspring will produce 67,000 puppies during a six year period. Since there are more animals looking for homes than there are people who want to adopt them, some 6.5 million animals are euthanized each year.

Given the statistics cited above, adopting an animal can be a kind and loving thing to do. However, before making the final decision to adopt, there are a number of things to consider.

Many of the animals awaiting adoption in shelters have had very rough beginnings. Some were abused, some abandoned and some were turned in because the owners didn't have time for them. Many were left alone for long periods and some were never properly potty trained. In short, when adopting an animal you must be prepared to work with them. They may come to you cowed or with feelings of trepidation and may be overly sensitive to your tone of voice or to any commands you might give them. You will need to be patient and by all means, loving. When they finally realize that they can trust you they will reward you with more affection and loyalty than you can imagine.

Adopting a dog as a means of
entertaining a small child is not recommended. A dog is not a toy and should not be treated as one. Small children should be trained to understand animal etiquette. In other words, animals are not to be hit, dragged, ridden or teased. They should understand that being overly aggressive with a new dog, especially one recently adopted, could cause the dog to react by biting or running away. If feeding and exercising the dog is to be the responsibility of a child, an adult should follow up to be sure these things are getting done. It isn't the dog's fault if a child fails to meet his or her obligations and the dog shouldn't have to suffer for the child's failure.

Many adopted dogs will come to the new
surroundings filled with fears based upon earlier mistreatment or the harsh rules of their previous owners. Some dogs will be reluctant to go from one room to another, will shy away when corrected and hide upon hearing a loud noise. New owners must be patient with them and speak to them softly and affectionately. Dogs are not stupid and they will gradually come to understand their new environment and show their appreciation for your loving care.

When contemplating adoption,
prospective new owners should be prepared to deal with the fact that their new adoptee may not be completely housebroken. Previous owners may have been irresponsible in their approach to this training; furthermore, when the dog was placed in the shelter it continued to do its business right in its pen. Housebreaking is not a complex chore and should not deter someone from adopting a pet. Some owners will use a cage to assist in this training, while others will just take the dog out for a walk several times a day. Fenced yards and doggie doors are minimal expenses that pay extra dividends on cold or rainy days.

Adopted dogs are subject to all of the behavioral
problems commonly associated to dogs in general. These would include digging, jumping up on people, jumping fences, barking and nipping. There are proven solutions to all of these offenses. If your dog is prone to digging, and always digs in one area, there are a number of effective repellent sprays that work well. If he digs under your fence, a little buried chicken wire works wonders in breaking that habit. Spray bottles filled with water should be kept at hand to break a dog from jumping up and to combat incessant barking. A quick spritz in the face immediately following, or during, the offensive behavior will usually bring about a quick behavior modification.

Visiting an animal shelter can be an emotional experience for an animal lover. It's difficult to see all the animals in their pens and not want to take them all home. Such feelings are understandable and commendable; however, just be sure that prior to adoption you consider all of the ramifications. And remember, your best friend is waiting for you at your local animal shelter.



Thursday 8 September 2011

True blue dog food

True blue dog food comes in packets with the logo of the blue buffalo dog food company. When it comes to buying blue dog food, one has to be a bit careful. This is a world where every good product is imitated by cheap, low quality products aimed to take advantage of the market share and brand value of the original product. True Blue dog food is of no exemption. One can find numerous low quality stuff resembling blue in logo design, packet design, and name.

Buying the original is important, as the duplicates can adversely affect your puppy. These counterfeit products have low quality grains, less fibres and almost no important necessary vitamins and minerals as its content. Feeding your puppy with these products can lead to diarrhea, allergies, deficiency disorders, etc. The various chemical preservatives, colors, by-products, fillers and artificial flavors that are present in the duplicates can cause your canine to become physically week. The various defense mechanisms of the body are not fully developed and this results in poor disease resistance and tolerance. Thus these dog foods, instead of helping your dog to be well nourished and well grown may lead to poor life spans.

Only true blue dog food has the necessary vitamins, minerals, fibres, and anti-oxidants. Included in blue dog food is kelp, vitamin A,C and E, beta carotene, blueberries and barley grass.Omega3 and omega 6 fatty acids, yucca schindegera extracts, tauren, L-Lysine, Vitamin D and B12 and L-Carnitine are the various ingredients of the original canine nourishment which help in immune development, muscle growth and overall physical development. The various symptoms seen on taking the poor quality dog food are hair loss, bleedings from gums, lack of muscle development, and so on. Allergic symptoms can also be found on some dogs.

True blue dog food comes in different varieties. There are about a total of twenty-four different formulas of blue dog food. One can choose among these formulas, the one which serves your breed based of on the specific needs of your dog. These different types are aimed at the different breeds of dog. There are specific products for small sized, medium sized and large sized dogs. Unique formulas for puppies, grownups and seniors are a specialty of blue buffalo. Also the supplements for puppies are different from that for the adults. Puppies generally need contents that can be easily digested and absorbed. Also the protein contents must be high in order to supplement for the higher rate of body growth. The ingredients present in the true blue dog food are easy to digest and can be absorbed from the intestine in no time. All the ingredients in different varieties are formulated by precise research and experimentation. Only true blue dog food delivers the high quality, affordable well balanced dog food. Buying any counterfeit not only results in the wastage of money but also the deteriorating the health of your dog.

Original blue buffalo canine nourishment also is less expensive as compared to the cheap competitors. They have a good section of customer relations that would be so helpful to most of the pet lovers. They provide you with various coupons that give high discounts. These coupons can be found only with true blue dog food. The duplicates never give you any useful customer relations.

Having read this far about the differences between the original blue dog food and the counterfeits and also on the adverse effects that results in consuming the duplicates generate, one has to be extremely careful in buying blue dog food. So the next time you go to a pet store, or a supermarket to buy supplement for your puppy or adult dog, be wise to look for the original true blue dog food. Check for the logo, the proprietary cover design and the exact name of Blue Buffalo Dog Food Company.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Testing BlogJet

I have installed an interesting application - BlogJet. It's a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here:

"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." -- Albert Einstein

Hello everyone

this is a trial mass post